Kardinal Gerahrd Müller legte den Finger in eine Wunde des „Synodalen Weges“, der jeder gültigen Rechtsordnung Hohn spricht.

Der selbstmörderische Prozeß des „Synodalen Weges“

„In a sui­ci­dal pro­cess, the majo­ri­ty deci­ded that their decis­i­ons are valid even if they con­tra­dict Catho­lic doc­tri­ne.“ „This is like the situa­ti­on when the Wei­mar Con­sti­tu­ti­on was repea­led by the Enab­ling Act. A self-appoin­­ted assem­bly, which is not aut­ho­ri­zed by God nor by the peo­p­le it is sup­po­sed to repre­sent, resc­inds the Con­sti­tu­ti­on of